Sunday, April 10, 2011

The First Post

everyone thinks their lives are unique and interesting and i... well... i am no exception. so here i am to share my oh-so-interesting life, and my oh-so-interesting conversations with other oh-so-interesting people. my oh-so-interesting ideas spawning from oh-so-interesting activities and interactions. well... at least this is the plan. i plan to share these things, along with some poetry as i write it, some art if/as i create it, some short fictional stories as they come to me, and some moments from my past as i deem the memories oh-so-interesting. occasionally i will share some insight on life, some advice to be considered or ignored. i live, with my roommates, in a fabulous house we call "4110". they saved my sanity and brought me here to this little old house with colorful walls and the haunted closet. with the "girls upstairs" and the "boys downstairs". with guitars on the walls and girls that have... well... girlfriends. my life has taken so many turns into the unexpected in the last year... and this twisty-topsy-turvy-curvy journey can no longer go undocumented. i've had my heart broken, moved, changed careers, disconnected myself from old nightmares, re-connected with old teammates, danced, drank, smoked, laughed, cried, disappeared, re-appeared, made love, made war, made peace, made dinner... and the list goes on and on and on and on and.... thank you for reading this... hopefully you'll come back and read more. love always.... the halfrican.